White Bird Pg.92

Julien’s mom is very nice. For example, every day she would come to the barn and bring food for Sara and either play cards or chat with Sara. I can’t really explain that well because I have never been in either of their shoes. All that I can explain is that everything she has done for Sara makes her sound very nice. Also, every time she goes home after hanging out with Sara, she has to walk one hundred meters to her house but she doesn’t mind because of her love for Sara. In conclusion, Julien’s mom also known as Vivienne is very nice.

3 thoughts on “White Bird Pg.92

  1. Mya,
    I agree that Julien’s mom is very nice because she spend a lot of time with Sara and to get there she has to go into town and then through the woods into a hole in the barn.

    • How do you think that if Sara wasn’t Jewish but Vivienne, Jean-Paul and Julien were Jewish would the story be changed?

  2. I agree that Juliens mom is nice. According to the text, she walked so far just to get to the barn everyday. That shows a lot of love and kindness.

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